#thanks for the tag draco!
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pato-roldnart · 1 year ago
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Some friendly Quidditch match for @hdwickedwixen zine :3
He caught the snitch!
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kk1smet · 1 year ago
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teeny tiny tiny drarry in this popular meme
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stazvlt · 2 years ago
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Light Novel Drarry strikes again!! Inspired by all of those really long japanese light novel title and my weird urge to draw laundry machine. Just imagine the plot is really revolving around this one laundry place in non magical world. With a Tired Harry and Weirdly Persistent Draco trying to ask Harry to help with One thing that only Harry can do.
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lupine-trees · 9 months ago
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vienna waits for you
slow down you crazy child you're so ambitious for a juvenile but then if you're so smart tell me why are you still so afraid?
wherein the boys pine & talk & make hard decisions & kiss lots. 🤍 
(twenty-nine of the thirty-one microfics i posted for @microficmay were parts of a single story. this is the amalgamation of those parts. for the record: the vienna parallel was something of a happy accident. ✨) 
drarry | word count: ~4k (3,926) | rating: t
Harry flies low over the hills beyond the castle, one of the school’s practice brooms steady and graceless beneath him. His target is easy enough to find, settled on a quilt in the tall grass. He lands on his feet, grinning already as Draco casts him a glance equally exasperated and endearing. “You’re a nuisance,” he calls, turning back to his book. “How’s the research coming?” “Better when I’m not being bothered.” The chastise is cut by the softness of his tone. Harry plops down on the blanket, lays back, eyes closing, unrepentant. 
read it on ao3 here! 
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barryhotter · 3 months ago
⭐️🎄 Merry Christmas and happy holidays! 🎄⭐️
How do you think drarry celebrate the winter season? ♥️
Do you think Draco shares his family traditions with Harry? Or do they make new ones together? ♥️
What sort of festivities would they do? ♥️
merry christmas, praline!
there's definitely a few parties draco tends to drag harry around to. I think after the war, Draco tends to forsake any values or traditions the Malfoys had, but there's still a few thinks he keeps, whether subconsciously or not.
They definitely make NEW ONES together - what those new ones would be I can't think of right now... chocolate sculpting or something.
They would love spending Christmases with Pansy, Blaise, maybe Goyle, and of course Ron and Hermione. But nothing would compare to having a quiet night in with just the two of them and maybe Teddy, with hot chocolate and tucking each other in by their fireplace. A whispered, "Merry Christmas, love." or two, present-passing (Draco has very high standards.) and very quiet Carol singing.
Maybe Harry burns a candle or a letter written to Sirius, Lupin or his parents, or all his other friends lost among the years, and smiles to the thought of their memories.
Maybe Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley open presents and send them equally to all their friends in their plant-plastered lesbian lavender cottage sipping sweetened Gurdyroot tea.
Maybe Kingsley Shacklebolt's wife hands him a stack of messily-clobbed together letters with neat print from Hermione, a valiant scrawl from Harry and a downright unreadable transcript from Ron, who ever since he learned how to use Floo message has not written a WORD with his quill.
Maybe Minerva McGonagall receives a gift basket on Christmas Eve that's spelled shut until Christmas morning - maybe she finds a Ginger Newt and smiles, reads "Have a biscuit, Professor." and smiles.
Maybe Draco Malfoy researches Indian celebration traditions to pay homage to his husband's heritage - maybe he slides him a box of diamond cookies that took 32 tries to perfect as Draco's always been hopeless at cooking and baking.
Maybe Harry bites into one, and smiles, and kisses his husband a Merry Christmas.
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k-kizkhalifa · 4 months ago
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Thankful (76 words) by kizkhalifa Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter Additional Tags: 1st POV, Draco pov, drarrymicrofic, Stalker!Draco, toxic!draco, Hints at non-con/dub-con
Source of prompt and image: @drarrymicrofic
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regretfulcorrine · 1 year ago
Hello! I absolutely adore your art. 💙💙💙
For the outfits art meme, could you please draw Draco wearing C2 or C4 (or any other outfit that inspires you, really)? Thank you! 🫶
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Thank you so much!!! ;v; 💖💖💖
Its funny because literally C4 was my number one pick i was hoping someone would ask for it lol it looks so cozy
and of course i GOTTA draw a snarky Draco for C2 i wanna fully color a comic actually for it honestly so i just made a sketch of it for now hope u dont mind :^)
(the art meme in question!)
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most days I'm so chill with the fact I'm non-contact with my father, it was the best decision, I hate him, my life is so much more peaceful without him
then bam it's a random Tuesday at 8pm and I'm sobbing because I miss having a dad, like, excuse me what is this??
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firendgold · 3 months ago
🥤🍄🍬🔪❄️🎨 - for the ask game
🥤-> an author or fanfic I love: I love all of SiderumInCaelo's work, as terrible as I am at telling her so. *poke poke* perhaps, gentle anon, you may be a better audience than me?
🍄-> another time travel harrydore headcanon, beautiful! Harry braids Albus' hair every evening that they sleep together. Albus pesters Harry about growing out his hair so Albus can return the favor, but Harry never does.
🍬 -> "post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character". you are trying to get me in trouble. But I'll go for it. I couldn't decide between "Sirius or Remus" and "another character because more than enough people have lamented those two", so I flipped a coin and got "other". I'll pick Draco Malfoy.
*breathes in* Okay. People who assume Draco "deserved" a "better redemption" or think there was always going to be one in the cards for him but That Woman changed her mind are, in my not-so-humble opinion, missing the point of the character. It's okay that Draco Malfoy didn't let go of his bigotry in the main series. It's normal. It's completely realistic. Sometimes the people you hated in school do not Get Better With Age. Sometimes, they just get older and more bigoted and reinforce why you disliked them in the first place.
Draco Malfoy is a bully. As a child, he uses slurs and flaunts his wealth and family history among peers and enemies alike. He grows up and ends up forced into a fascist organization that he's not ready to fully commit to. Lying about recognizing Harry saved Harry's life, and it was decent, even if you consider common decency to have a floor and a ceiling with that act as the floor. The war is a wake-up call for Draco, and (discounting Cursed Child) the only glimpse we have of him in the (yucky) Epilogue doesn't give us a firm idea on whether he has rolled over and gone back to sleep. (I think Pottermore or whatever it's called these days confirms he is a little better, but his parents aren't. Intriguing, but eh.)
I've read many great fics where Draco becomes a better person. Sometimes he's shipped with Harry, or Hermione (or even more rarely but refreshingly, Ron or Ginny), sometimes he's just Straight and Decent in the background, but I have seen the idea done well. I think redeemed!Draco is fine as an idea; it adds nuance to the series since Draco has had enough screen time for his makeover as the "good Slytherin" to be slightly less nauseating or out of left field than it would be for a minor Slytherin character (Blaise) or a canon non-entity (Daphne).
But I don't like the fandom idea that's taken prevalence where Draco or his mother or the whole Malfoy clan (or any Slytherin they like, really) has to be redeemed. I hate it, actually. Draco and his family have serious flaws. Those flaws are not just going to go away because you (nonspecific 'you') might think they are attractive or that you can say sorry and it cancels out the slur and the bullying and the sucking up and the generally unpleasant behavior. If we want to redeem Draco, start from where he is, and don't bend over backwards to excuse a character whose actions aren't excusable. And no, sometimes 'just having him spy for Dumbledore' is NOT enough in my mind. Snape is doing that too, at far greater risk and with no reward (the woman he loves is dead and everyone thinks he's a dickhead, because he is a dickhead, but he does it anyway. we don't need a spy who's not even going to be as good as that). And yes, I at least will not shoot you or send you nasty comments if your Draco Malfoy never rises above his hate and stays basic and annoying forever, because it's realistic and it happens every day.
🔪-> "what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project"? Uh, once when I was a teenager I wanted to write a story about a serial killer, so I looked up a lot of unique ways to murder people? ...yeah.
❄️-> "what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?" I would love for someone to write the "better 6th year fic" that's been rattling around in my head since like 2008, where Harry and Albus finally acknowledge that they are found family after 40 chapters of deliciously served angst and hurt/comfort, and then they kick Voldemort's ass really hard in the "better 7th year fic". It would be a masterpiece. No bashing, of course, just kind of a rundown of why Harry and Albus Need Each Other and how no one else can really provide Harry the kind of support he needs while also backing off to let him be the orphaned Last Potter when he needs to assume that role. Lots of healing longtime trauma too. But I don't know who would write it best because all the best HP authors I know write either canon-compliant h*nny/r*mione, flowerpot, or h*phne... and I would require that it was Harry/Hermione.
🎨 -> "link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it". Uh. I don't have only one favorite. But to fit with the theme of the blog, I'll share one of kazuza-art's pieces from last year:
I absolutely adore this fanart. It was one of the first I ever came across when I was creating this blog and looking for posts and art that matched the ship ("what am I thinking. it's hard to find posts about these two and their canon relationship that aren't bashing. does anyone even post about these two snogging???"). I love it for a lot of reasons. One of the reasons I like it is because it's fanart for a VERY good fanfic (if you haven't read Weeping Angel by impossibleleaf what are you dooooooing), but another is that it has the same quality as the headcanon I gave existingtm in my previous answer.
Harry and Albus are very recognizably themselves, but they still vibe together really well in this shot. Harry's still a great Quidditch player, still kind of easygoing and charge-ahead-and-fix-things. Albus is still an academic genius, often found with his nose in a book, kind of above it all even when he's right next to you. And they just look so GOOD together. I swear 40% of my brain when it comes to fireandgold/time travel harrydore is just this art.
Even though a lot of the fanfics I read/promote/etc. on here often ship Harry and Albus when they're older, kazuza's piece is one of the ideal versions of them in my mind.
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alehalebane · 1 year ago
Guys, I just had a great drarry fic idea. So I was watching The Greatest Showman right, and I thought that would be a great drarry AU. P. T. Barnum would be Harry:poor, orphan, great ambitions. Charity would obviously be Draco: blonde, come from old money but gives it up for Harry/Barnum. And Jenny Lind could be Ginny: redhead, loves Harry/Barnum, doesn’t come from much and then becomes famous.
This probably doesn’t make sense but it was just what popped into my head while watching the movie.
Does anyone know if a fic like this already exists? Or if someone would like to write it? Could someone please let me know? It would be greatly appreciated.
Anyways, thank you, and good night!
Bye :)
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okeydokeylackey · 1 year ago
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part 3 of reposting old work: Bronze Triad thing I did for @hprarepairfest 2023 and then a doodle I did of them before that
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If Draco/Crabbe/Goyle has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Drabboyle has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Drabboyle has only one fan then that is me. If Drabboyle has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Drabboyle, then I am against the world.
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chericheribaby · 6 months ago
🍏 (I think it's rotten right to the core!!!!!!)
Send me a 🍏 and I’ll rec you a drarry fic I think you might like
hi lane!!
The Soulmate series by dodgerkedavra
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy make a pact that if they’re both still single on New Year’s Day in ten years’ time, they’ll get married.
It’s a long ten years.
I linked the whole series so I'm reccing both works because both are amazing!!! (my personal fave is the second hehe) the way is written, the characterisation is wonderful these are in my top three fr, i love it sm
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short666bread · 2 years ago
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dracolizardlars · 2 years ago
tinkering with my mum's USB stick of music for the car (with permission) and feeling like someone who just got a new post at an office job and is horrified by their predecessor's sloppiness. some of these file name structures are a TRAVESTY (the reason I'm tinkering is because I noticed one of the Blur albums doesn't have the right track order and it drives me crazy. turns out ALL THREE Blur albums on there are the same and so is the RHCP album. screams)
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potterhead0taku · 1 month ago
Why does my mind always circle back to these two??
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Yule Ball, 1994
"Can we talk?"
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punmster · 11 months ago
love reading old replies i made to comments because now im kicking myself over not knowing what the fuck i meant
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